Last Sunday night I was chilling out with my lovely boyfriend, reading a Sunday paper or doing something else so obviously cultural (like watching Dallas) when we were rudely disrupted by a knock on the door.
Now, I wasn’t expecting anyone and if that’s the case I simply do not open the door. Firstly because I don’t like unexpected visitors. Secondly because I live in Bermondsey. My boyfriend on the other hand is a country boy at heart and went on to open the door.
“Hello. I’m here to talk to you about Jesus”, the man on the door said (I told you so, never EVER open the door, I was thinking).
“We are both atheists”, my boyfriend replied.
“Oh. I’m not here to convert you or anything”, the man on the door continued, “but could I leave you some reading?”
“Sure, goodbye”, was the answer and the door was closed again.
So we got the November edition of the Awake! with the theme of the month appropriately being Is atheism on the March? And what do we learn?
A new group of atheists has arisen in society. Called the new atheists, they are not content to keep their views to themselves. Rather, they are on a crusade “actively, angrily, passionately trying to persuade the religious to their point of view".
Err, how did I come by this publication again? Surely not from a Jehova’s Witness actively and passionately trying to persuade the others to his point of view?
Awake! is full of articles about the bible, spirit and religion, and suddenly – a story about Natural Gas as an Energy for Home. What? Have the Christians finally found science? Are they trying to fool us into believing that the rest of the articles are based on science as well? What’s going on? Do they know that we are watching Dallas and J.R is just about to buy a refinery?
I found no answers. But the eternal wisdom never to open your door to a stranger lives on. Amen.
Do they know we're watching Dallas? |