The witch hunt is on for Julian Assange. He is
arrested, his bank account has been closed and he is very conveniently being accused of rape in Sweden. Various
lunatics politicians even call for him to be assassinated.
Is it just me or does this sound just a tad, err, undemocratic? So far the Wikileaks have given us some embarrassing private descriptions of world leaders, but they have also revealed some rather more serious facts about international politics.
Why shouldn’t we know about these things? Why shouldn’t we know about
war in Afganistan, the war funded by our tax money, being all but lost and the country being corrupt and far from democratic? Why shouldn’t we know that half of the world governments are seriously worried about
Iran’s and
Pakistan’s nuclear weapon development? Or about the influence of the
Russian mafia into politics? Or that
Berlusconi is making secret deals with Putin? Or that
Tories promised before the election that they would run a pro-American regime and buy more arms from the US if they came to power?
Everybody knows that the public is only told the minimum. The unofficial policies can be hard to justify, sometimes they are borderline illegal. I have worked for government, I know. However, this is not an excuse. Even the unofficial policies HAVE to stand scrutiny. And if you get caught, you should take responsibility, not go running around calling for the messenger to be shot.
We have been lied to by our politicians. Because we can’t handle the truth? Because we are too stupid to understand the reality of politics? Are the politicians trying to shut down Wikileaks to protect us? Or to protect themselves? Take a wild guess.
The release of more than 250,000 US embassy cables
has embarrassed governments around the world. |