So it’s that time again: London Underground staff is on strike. And man, are people moaning! You'd think something really bad has happened.
Why don’t we stop and think for a moment? There is a reason democratic countries have trade unions. That is because there SHOULD be someone or something to protect the employee from the actions of companies, whose only objective is to make profit. A strike is the last resort, when everything else has been done. Like in this case, LU still threatening to sack over 800 employees.
Yes, it’s a nuisance. But so are fat people walking too slowly in the pavement in front of me. Get over it! Walk to work. Burn some calories. Get in late. Work from home. Or if you really think that working for the Tube is so cushy, well paid and easy, why don’t you go and get a job from there?
When there is 7.5 Million people unemployed the LU are causing issues over 800 ticket booth staff. Which are fat and unhelpful when ever I have used them. Going on stike every year because they are not happy is holding London to ransom....
VastaaPoistaDid you not get to work? I did.
VastaaPoistaI totally agree with you Lena, more union will should be between us and tell companies to F***** off more often as they do whatever they want specially on these days of the lovely crisis time.