Ah the holidays are over and all around the world millions of people, mainly women, are feeling bloated, fat and unfit and swear on their life to go on diet and visit the gym four times a week – minimum – this year. I’m one of them. Somehow quitting smoking last year caused my appetite to double and now I’m a stone (that’s about 6 kilos for continentals) heavier than a year ago.
Fear not, I’m going to do something about these extra kilos. I am, after all, a young woman and as such know that my value to society depends on me being fit. Somehow it’s not quite the same for men. I have heard countless times guys calling a slightly overweight girls “fat cows”. Women are merely affectionate about men’s growing bellies, they call them cuddly and teddy bear-like which can hardly be considered insulting.
But growing they are, men. According to a study published by Oxford University, men are eating more and exercising less. In 1986 around 7% of British men were classified as obese, in 2008 the figure was 25%. The official statistics show that nearly half of British men are overweight, compared “just” a third of women.
Why is it so much of a bigger deal then when a woman is overweight? Is it because forcing women into pursuing painfully thin and pretty much unattainable ideal of beauty has always been one of the means to control women? I don’t know, but I’m not having it anymore. No more should us ladies take pressure and insults from the lardy guys. Move over you fat bull!
Pierce, you're fat! |
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